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Some Questions Lead to Beautiful Answers...

Joe lavin
My client asked me how I would describe our Primal Unwinding session and I replied, "Like a celestial dance." Later, I unpacked that a bit more....

I would describe 
our unwinding
as a celestial dance. 

Where I 

coming in
deeper work

I would  
move away
creating space

As if you were
a fixed object
the constant
and I was
an orbiting star

destined to follow
my preordained
gravitational orbit
around your

somehow knowing
how the 
forces of 
inertia and gravity 
have to be 
perfectly balanced 
for an orbit to happen

a continuous 
two objects
two beings

one needing to 
move away 
so the other one 
can move closer

and in between
a breath

then the roles
in order
to maintain
the balance
the tension

But now I am 
with my 
poetic analogy

not because
it is incorrect
or inappropriate 
because I realize

that the moments
I crave the most
are the brief seconds
in between

when we are 
changing roles

when we are 
most connected 
most equal
our energies
joining and relaxing
becoming as one

Just before 
we are propelled
once again 
into our 
separate orbits

To continue 
the dance
we started…

For those that are interested or concerned, most of my Prinal Unwinding sessions are not part of my licensed massage practice so I am not limited to the same therapeutic relationship guidelines as well as the professional, emotional and social boundaries that I am in my massage practice. Although I understand their purpose and may choose to use them with some clients. There are other boundaries that apply to both my bodywork and massage that are important power differential, transference   

*Picture from the book cover of Dance of the Ancient One
By Joe Lavin July 27, 2023
The Importance of Community in the Massage Industry
Unbecoming: A Recent Client Experience/Connection
By Joe lavin October 27, 2021
I absolutely love it when a bodywork session transforms into something unexpected and wonderful. These are some highlights of correspondence between me and a recent client of mine after our first session. Everything is shared with permission and you can see more of Tanith's paintings here.....
Posture Correction Shoulder Harnesses and Tape
By Joe lavin October 27, 2021
I used to recommend some fairly intricate kinesio taping to help with posture modification for my clients but I have found that a simple posture correcting harness/brace does a fantastic job and are much easier to use. You do not need too heavy duty of a harness unless you have extra thick shoulder musculature, are looking for a more aggressive correction or are very active throughout the day. The nice thing is that you can try as many different posture correctors from Amazon as you want until you get the right fit and just return the ones that do not work for you.
The Gulf
By Joe lavin October 27, 2021
I had an experience with a client shortly after a contentious moment in my country's political discourse (how is that for PC?) where I was actually compelled to end a session because I was not able to care for my client deeply enough to work out a better solution. So I wrote my client a letter which he has graciously allowed me to share here.,,,,
The Massage Therapist and the Cheetah
By Joe lavin October 27, 2021
I took my daughter to the zoo the other day. We waited with the other people to see the cheetah walk out and stood in amazement as the cheetah did, well, nothing really. She just walked around, looked at us and then laid down. I imagined the cheetah wondering why there were people here to see her again, She didn’t feel that special. She had no idea what she was really made for, how fast she could run, what it felt like to be free, what a fierce predator she could be. She just had some sense that this crowd of spectators was interested in her so she should show up again, like she does every other day.
I Did Not Come To be Danced
By Joe Lavin January 22, 2021
I want to share something I wrote trying to say thank you to a group of people that were a major part of my becoming a better bodyworker, toucher, connector and human being. It was in a five month training program with the Institute for Phenomenal Touch. It absolutely changed my life!
Body Rolling
By Joe lavin January 22, 2021
I love body rolling and think it is far superior to the many popular “foam rolling” strategies that I see a lot of people utilizing. My basic premise is that using different sized balls with different densities to strategically roll on, under and around your unique, 3-dimensional body will allow you to apply just the right amount of pressure in the specific places that you need it as well as helping you do some amazing stretches. Plus you can take your body rolling equipment with you wherever you go. If you are a proverbial road warrior, just deflate to miniature soccer balls, pack a small air pump and throw them in your carry on.....
Happy new year!
By Joe lavin January 8, 2021
It is 2021 and it is time for me to start sharing more of my thoughts about massage, bodywork and life with anyone who is interested. I do a lot of writing to process my thoughts about touch as well as my massage and bodywork experiences. Most of the time these writings end up living only in my journal or on my computer and I would like to give them a little more life, see how they blossom...or wither.
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