Massage Competetion Coaching Event

Private Coaching Event for

Massage Competition Participants, Coordinators and Judges 

Join us for an exclusive, intense, and revealing in-person coaching event. This event is specifically centered around elevating your massage to a world championship level so you can compete in any Massage Championship as well as understanding the judging process. Your hosts will be three massage therapists who are considered masters in their respective fields. Combined, we (Joe Lavin, Tracey Windmill, and Wassa Lakhamm) have won eight medals at national and world massage championships, judged several of these championships plus more, and have trained or directly helped several other people win medals as well. In addition, we are all credentialed massage instructors and have trained several thousand massage therapists. We are also actively mentoring therapists all over the world. We are passionate about what we do and want to share that passion with the world.

The event costs $495 for a shared room and $695 for a private room. There are also day pass only options. This includes everything! Three nights of accommodations, all your meals and everything else you will need except what you would bring to a competion. All you have to do is get there!

PS - Check out our Judges Challenge!

The event will be set up much like the World and American Massage Championships. Particpants will each get two chances to perform your massage. However, you will also get one chance to be a judge so you can better understand what they are looking for and the pressures they are undwer.

We will use the same criteria that you will be judged on at the championships, and we will thoroughly explain how your massages would be scored using those criteria. The only difference is that we will give you your scores as well as our critiques and suggestions, which you will not get at any of the championships.

In addition, we will be giving you our best strategies and tips for how to show up and perform at your best in order to better position yourself to win a medal and maximize your experience at the competitions, both personally and professionally. Medals are nice, but getting the most out of your experience is extremely important as well.

We will also give you strategies for getting financial sponsorships to help you pay for both our coaching event and the competitions, as well as how to get the most exposure in your specific market. 

We will answer all of your questions about the American Massage Championship, the World Massage Championship, and other Championships that we have been a part of. Give you extensive advice and tips for how to show up and perform at your best in order to better position yourself to win a medal, and we will personally review and critique your messages just as we would in the competition.

When you leave, you will not only have a much better chance at winning a medal, but you will understand how to make the most out of your experience, and you will be a much better therapist than when you arrived!

This is a major focus of the event. How to win whether or not you get a medal, how to get the maximum exposure from attending, and how to benefit from the network of incredible therapists that you will be making. 

The event costs $495 for a shared room and $695 for a private room. This includes everything! Three nights of accommodations, all your meals and everything else you will need except what you would bring to a competion. All you have to do is get there!

If you request a private room but want to bring a non-participating friend/partner to share your room with the cost for both of you, all inclusive is $895.

There is also a daily option of $50 to $100 per day if you live close by or have other lodging.

There will be more information coming soon, including the location, but please register and put down your refundable deposit to save your space before we open this up to more people. You can click here to register. 


Joe, Tracey, and Wassa

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