private coaching event schedule

Private Coaching Event Schedule

Here is the daily agenda for the event. It is set up much like the World Massage Championship, so you will get a good understanding of how it feels to perform under the competitive conditions of that environment. We also want you to understand the event from the judge's perspective so that you can get an idea of what they are looking for as well as the pressures that they are under as well.

We are holding the event at the Forrest Hills Resort in Dahlonega, GA.

Forrest Hills Resort

135 Forrest Hills Rd

Dahlonega, Ga 30533

Tuesday, April 18th, 4:00 PM

Introduction and Orientation

Wednesday, April 19th

7:00 AM - Breakfast

8:00 AM - Dynamic Stretching and Posture/Body Mechanics Assessments

9:30 AM - First Round of Massages, Coaching, and Judging

12:00 PM - Lunch

1:30 PM - The Easiest 10 Points You Can Win and Other Tips

3:00 PM - Improving the Quality and Appearance of Your Touch

5:00 PM - Dinner

6:30 PM - Second Round of Massages, Coaching, and Judging

9:00 PM - End of Programming for Day One

Thursday, April 20th

7:00 AM - Breakfast

8:00 AM - Dynamic Stretching and Posture/Body Mechanics Assessments

9:00 AM - Third Round of Massages, Coaching, and Judging

11:30 AM - Lunch

1:00 PM - Fourth Round of Massages, Coaching, and Judging

3:00 PM - Fifth Round of Massages, Coaching, and Judging

5:00 PM - Dinner

6:30 PM - Specific Massage Critiques, Demonstrations, and Strategies

9:00 PM - End of Programming for Day Two

Friday, April 21st

7:00 AM - Breakfast

8:00 AM - Dynamic Stretching and Posture/Body Mechanics Assessments

9:30 AM - Final Strategy Session

11:00 AM - End of Event

For the first two rounds of Massages, Coaching, and Judging, we will divide you into two groups and have you perform your massages just as you would at the competition. The three of us will actively judge your massages using the same criteria that you will be judged on at the competitions, as well as giving you advice and pointing things out that will help you improve your massage performance. 

For the next three rounds of Massages, Coaching, and Judging, we will divide you into three groups and have you perform your massages, just as you would at the competition like the day before, and you will also get a chance to judge each other just as you would if you were a judge at the competition

If that sounds like a lot, it is! We want to have you feel like you are already at your massage championship so you won't be overwhelmed when you actually compete.

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