Judging Challenge

Massage Competition Judging Challenge - February 10th

One of the issues that come up again and again when discussing massage competitions is how it is possible to judge a massage. I would like to be able to provide some data to answer these types of questions. So, I am hosting a massage competition judging challenge to see how consistent the judge’s scoring is given different variables. All of the participants will “judge” some short videos of massage and submit their scores online. After all of the scores are entered, I will crunch all of the numbers and make a report of the findings. 

Qualifications: In order to participate, you must have

     1) been a judge of or a participant in a recognized massage competition.

     2) are going to be a judge of or a participant in a recognized massage competition in 2023.

Anonymous: After I verify that you are qualified to participate, I will give you a link where you can enter your scores. All that will be identified with the link is your years of experience, the number of events that you have participated in, and your country (in order to aggregate scores by different demographics so I can make the data and analysis more relevant). Noone’s individual scoring sheet will be shared with anyone, this is only about understanding the variances between the average scores and the outliers. 

Short Clips: Each person will be asked to watch five different 15-minute videos on Friday, February 10th and submit their scores by Monday, Februuary 13th. 

Standardized Judging: We will use the judges scoring sheets from last year’s World Massage Championship. 

Compare and Contrast: Since you will keep a copy of your judging results, you can compare and contrast those to the averages of all the judges and see how your scoring lines up with averages and most common scores. 

Open Source: I will, at least, share the data with the judges that participate along with the coordinators of several of the massage competitions. 

Just Answer the Questions below to Register

Massage Judging Competition Registration

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