Deep Lomi Massage Practitioner Program Schedule

Deep Lomi Massage Mastery Intensive Schedule

We will meet each day for class from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM. I will be teaching my Deep Lomi Principals, Flow and Techniques every day and you will be giving and receiving bodywork every day. There will also be opportunities after class for bodywork and trades.

Monday - Deep Lomi 101 - Embracing The Flow

The underlying foundation of all of the work we will do this week is my Deep Lomi Flow. It is generally much slower, deeper, and intentionally inquisitive than similar styles of massage, encouraging the client’s body to move beyond its usual limits. Anticipation is replaced with acceptance, muscle guarding is greatly reduced (if not completely eliminated), and clients are able to achieve much deeper levels of relaxation and healing. 

Today's focus is on developing your Deep Lomi Flow, understanding your client’s responses, and using your intuition to respond to those responses. 

Tuesday - Deep Lomi 102 - Advanced Techniques and Flows

I have studied and integrated advanced manual techniques from some of the most effective massage and bodywork styles and practitioners from all over the world. I have also integrated principles and techniques from different functional movement and martial arts practices, including my own decades-long jiu-jitsu practice. Every technique is uniquely profound and effective and blends in perfectly with the Deep Lomi Flow. 

Today's focus is on learning some world-class manual techniques and integrating them seamlessly into your Deep Lomi Flow. 

Wednesday - Deep Lomi 103 - Deep Lomi Thai Fusion

Thai Massage Stretches and Compression techniques are extremely effective therapeutically and your clients will absolutely love how these techniques make them feel. The combined use of joint mobilizations, deep compressions, and stretching techniques infused in your Deep Lomi Flow will immediately transform your massage. Your bodywork will be exponentially deeper, more therapeutically effective and altogether amazing while at the same time reducing the amount of stress that you put on your body.

Today's focus is on learning some profound, effective, and unforgettable table-based dynamic stretches and incorporating them into your Deep Lomi Flow.   

Thursday - Deep Lomi 104 - Multi-Dimensional Flows, Techniques, and Transitions 

This is where you begin to transform your massage into a healing art and one of the most unforgettable experiences of your client's life. Understanding and incorporating multi-dimensional techniques and leveraged flows will help you transform your massage sessions into unforgettable massage experiences for your clients while dramatically increasing their therapeutic outcomes. 

Today's focus is on learning how to use specific combinations of leveraged manual techniques, dynamic stretches, and client movement to provide unique, profound, and effective outcomes. 

Friday - Deep Lomi 105 - Deep Lomi Practitioner Certification

Today's focus is on reviewing and integrating everything that you have learned. You will be doing individual and four-handed massage exercises that will help you integrate what you have learned and working on further developing  and acting on your intuition.

If that sounds like a lot, it is! You will need to be physically and mentally ready for the intensive. If you are not sure you are, please contact me before registering.

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